What stair lighting control systems do we offer?
We provide 3 intelligent stair lighting systems: smartLEDs Exclusive, smartLEDs Premium and smartLEDs Easy, each with a different intelligent stair controller that determines the system’s features. The basic function of each stair lighting control system is to smoothly turn on the lighting for a specific time. Other functions depend on the stair controller used. All our stair lighting control systems are equipped with a dusk switch built into the controller, light probe and stair motion sensors. Welcome to our shop!

OMEGA EXCLUSIVE SYSTEM is the most advanced smartLEDs smart stair lighting control system. Its heart is the smartLEDs OMEGA intelligent stair controller with Android smartphone/tablet support. OMEGA is a LED WAVE controller, designed for installation of multi-point LED lighting (3-23 lamps) with separate control of each lamp. The system implements 2 switching on/off styles (smooth LED WAVE or simultaneously), 3 operating modes (MAX, DAY, NIGHT) sequentially switched by clock, built-in dusk switch or external device (switch, button, intelligent building system actor, etc.) as well as a function to originate switching on of lighting from a mid-floor level of the stairs. The system provides motion automation on stairs with the help of 2, 3 or 4 optical distance and motion sensors with adjustable range of up to 200 cm.
The Android app provides intuitive user communication with the controller in Bluetooth LE technology, including convenient configuration of the controller, adjustment to the user’s needs, diagnostic service functions and comfortable control panel. The controller has 3 inputs for connecting stair motion sensors. Minimum requirements: Android 5.0. Bluetooth 4.0 .
smartLEDs S19 PREMIUM system

The heart of the smartLEDs S19 PREMIUM SYSTEM is the S19-P intelligent stair controller. It is a LED WAVE controller, designed for installations of multi-point LED lighting (3-19 lamps) with separate control of each lamp. The controller implements the style of switching on/off in the form of successively and smoothly lit up / dimmed lamps. It is also possible to simultaneously turn on and / or turn off the lamps. The system has 2 operating modes: MAX and DAY, switched by a built-in dusk switch or an external device (switch, button, intelligent building system actor, etc.). It does not have a function to originate switching on from the mid-floor. The system controls the motion automation using 2 optical distance and motion sensors with adjustable range of up to 200 cm. The system operation is adapted to the user’s needs by setting 18 parameters using the built-in configurator.
smartLEDs S2 EASY system

The heart of the smartLEDS S2 EASY SYSTEM is the smartLEDs S2-P intelligent stair controller. This is a SIMULTANEOUS type controller, designed for installing multi-point LED lighting with common lamp control (easy installation, see INSTALLATION tab). Number of controlled lamp groups: 2. The system can act as a modern staircase controller and control the lighting of a multi-level staircase. The system performs motion automation with the help of 2, 3 or 4 optical sensors. The controller switches on/off of the lighting in a simultaneous and smooth manner. The controller has 2 operating modes: MAX and DAY, switched by a built-in twilight switch or an external device (switch, button, intelligent building system actor, etc.). The system operation is adjusted to the user’s needs by setting 16 parameters using the built-in configurator.
What about motion sensors?
Each smartLEDs stair lighting control system includes special stair stair sensors dedicated to detect movement on stairs. They are digital, active, optical and diffuse sensors. The maximum range of them is 200 cm, which is ideal for automating LED lighting of stairs and passages even up to 240 cm wide. Due to their long detection range (adjustable every 10 cm), narrow detection angle (10-15°), 2 modes of operation (distance or movement) and one-piece construction, they can be used for stairs of various constructions. They are irreplaceable in places where it is not possible to use two-element sensors, e.g. for open stairs and passages. In addition, the microprocessor adaptation to ambient conditions ensures high resistance to interference.
Determining motion sensors in the system consists of specifying the number of sensors, and then specifying the mounting method and color for each sensor.
Selecting the number of motion sensors
The choice of the number of sensors (2, 3 or 4) depends on the functions to be performed by the system and the construction of the stairs. Most often, 2 motion sensors are needed, to be mounted at the bottom and at the top of the stairs. In case the system is to detect persons at the mid-floor level, additional (third) sensor will be needed to be installed on the mid-floor. Sometimes, due to the construction of the mid-floor and the location of exits from rooms, it is necessary to install not one, but two sensors connected in parallel on the mid-floor. When placing order, it is possible to specify the mounting method and color for each sensor.
Determining the preferred mounting method
Depending on the mounting method, we offer 2 types of sensors: (1) for installation in a 35mm diameter hole (e.g. in a flush mounting box) or (2) for installation in typical 60mm installation boxes using a flush mounting adapter. In the first case, the sensor’s cover and the mounting box (external diameter of 38mm and depth of 30mm) will be attached to the sensor. In the second case, only the flush-mounting adapter will be attached to the sensor (the 60 mm installation box is not included).
Determining the preferred color of sensors
The sensors differ in the color of the sensor’s front cover or the color of the 60mm flush mounting adapter. You can choose one of 4 colors for each sensor: white, grey, brown or black.